Anna Angelova

Member of the NALIS Board of Directors, Director of the SU Library

Anna Angelova is a philologist and holds a PhD in Library Studies. She has been in charge of SUL since 2008. Her professional interests in the field of Library Studies are directed mainly towards the development of a new theoretical basis for the construction of Rare and Valuable Book Collections. A. Angelova deals with issues related both to the conservation of the book's cultural and historic heritage and to the development of digital libraries. She takes part in the university projects Bibliotheca Slavica and SU-Digital.

A. Angelova is the author of 5 books and of over 30 articles. Here follow some of the titles:

  • Stoǐan Argirov. Izbrani trudove [Stoian Argirov: Selected Writings]. Compiled by Anna Angelova. Sofia: Universitetsko izdatelstvo, 2009.
  • Angelova, A. (co-author). Knizhovni pametnitsi v Universitetskata biblioteka “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” [The Literary Monuments at the Library of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”]. Sofia: Universitetsko izdatelstvo, 2008.
  • Angelova, A. “Botev rekomanduva” [Botev Recommends]. Ezik i literatura 2008, 36–45.
  • Angelova, A. “Pǔlnotekstovoto predstaviane na kolektsii i dokumenti v Universitetskata bibliloteka – realnosti i predizvikatelstva” [The Full-Text View of Collections and Papers at the University Library – Actual State and Challenges]. In Sǔvremenno sǔstoianie i perspektivi pred Universitetskata biblioteka “Sv. Kliment Ohridski.”  Sofia: Universitetsko izdratelstvo “Sv klimet Ohridski,”  2007.
  • Angelova, A. “Edna ‘zabelezhitelna kniga’ vǔv fondovete na Universitetskata biblioteka” – “Notizia intorno alla famosa opera istorica D'IBNU KHALDÙN” (s rǔkopisno posveshtenie i avtograf ot avtora Jacopo di Hemsö dо Girolamo Bonaparte)” [A Remarkable Book in the University Library Stock: “Notizia intorno alla famosa opera istorica D'IBNU KHALDÙN” (with a Handwritten Dedication and Autograph of the Author Jacopo di Hemsö to Girolamo Bonaparte)]. Biblioteka 2006, № 6.
  • Angelova, A. “Tsenno izdanie na geografska karta ot ХVІ vек ‘La carta dei paesi danubiani e delle regioni contermini di Giacomo Gastaldi (1546)’ ot fonda na Universitetskata biblioteka ‘Sv. Kliment Ohridski’” [A Valuable Edition of a 16th-Century Map: La carta dei paesi danubiani e delle regioni contermini di Giacomo Gastaldi (1546) in the Library Stock of the Sofia University “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”]. Nauka 2006, № 6.
  • Angelova, A. (co-author). Kolektsiia Slavika: redki i tsenni izdaniia po slavistika ot bibliotekata na Sofiiskiia universitet [The Slavica Collection: Rare and Valuable Books at the Sofia University]. Sofia: Universitetsko izdatelstvo, 2005.
  • Angelova, A. Rǔkopisnata etnografska sbirka ot bibliotekata na Sofiiskiia universitet “Sv. Kliment Ohridski” [The Ethnographic Manuscript Collection at the Library of the Sofia University “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”]. Sofia: LIK, 2004.
  • Angelova, A. Akademik Stoian Argirov i bibliotechnoto delo v Bǔlgariia [Academician Stoian Argirov and the Librarianship in Bulgaria]. Sofia: Universitetsko izdatelstvo, 2001.