
Letters, Heritage, Identities Round Table & Matchmaking Event

Roundtable, workshop, and challenge on cultural heritage and identity

28– 30 January 2025

 Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria


Transform4Europe is a project in which eleven European universities have joined forces to educate people responsible for their environments, equipped with the state-of-the-art knowledge, which enables them to face the most important civilisation challenges.

From January 28–30, 2025, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” hosted „Letters, Heritage, Identities Round Table & Matchmaking Event”, an exciting three-day event under the Transform4Europe initiative. Bringing together four distinct activities were happening simultaneously, the event explored the connections between writing systems, cultural heritage, and identity.

The NALIS Foundation actively participated in:

-          Workshop with Stakeholder Challenges Strand 1: The Glagolic Alphabet and Digitalisation of Cultural Heritage in his capacity as Stakeholder. Details can be found here.

-          Roundtable Discussions: with a report by Sabina Aneva (Executive Director of NALISF) on „The Open Source Software – One of the Possible Successful Solutions for Digitisation in the GLAM Institutions (Based on the Experience of the NALIS Foundation - Bulgaria)”.

The program features of the event:

·         Roundtable Discussions: Scholars and stakeholders will engage in thought-provoking dialogue on the cultural and personal significance of writing systems.

round table


·         Matchmaking Talks: A unique networking opportunity connecting students, researchers, and stakeholders to foster collaboration and innovative ideas.

matching event


·         Workshops with Stakeholder Challenges: Participants tackled real-world issues related to cultural heritage, working together to develop innovative solutions.



·         Focus on the Glagolitic Alphabet: A celebration of one of the earliest Slavic scripts through exhibitions, discussions, and creative activities.